This tool is designed to recover:
Take advantage of our risk-free "try before you buy" options. When you're satisfied with the repaired results, you can proceed to purchase.
To repair damaged PDF files in your own home or office, you need a powerful recovery tool that is easy to use and compatible with your system. SecureRecovery® for PDF meets all the criteria, offering you the power to restore corrupted PDFs wherever and whenever you like. This dedicated utility recovers data stored in PDFs along with file information to flawlessly recreate the original document.
Try the Demo to Experience SecureRecovery® for PDF for Free
The SecureRecovery® for PDF demo evaluates your file and determines exactly which elements are recoverable. Objects not recovered by the demo are beyond the capabilities of this exhaustive recovery software, and may require manual repair by our qualified engineers. Download the demo for free to see what SecureRecovery® for PDF can do for your corrupted files.
SecureRecovery® for PDF is a strong tool for repairing damaged files, but there are a few objects that are beyond the capabilities of virtually any consumer software package. This utility does not recover forms, and the original encryption settings on the source file cannot be accessed for repair.
When corruption prevents you from opening your valuable PDF files, your data is not necessarily lost. You need a dedicated recovery utility that has a strong record of repairing damaged files and restoring access to vital data stored within. If you have a PDF file that is showing signs of corruption, order a copy of SecureRecovery® for PDF to restore your data today.
Standard License - Intended for small businesses and/or individuals.
Standard license limitations:
Business License - Intended for small or medium businesses.
SecureRecovery for PDF is designed to work with Windows systems that meet the following specifications:
We are not liable for any incorrect images or descriptions displayed on this website. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, there can sometimes be discrepancies or errors in the content. We make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability with respect to the content. SecureData is not affiliated with Microsoft©, Adobe®, Oracle©, IBM. All copyrights, trademarks, and intellectual property rights mentioned belong to their respective owners.
Trusted by 3,000+ happy Customers & Organizations.
As an alternative to downloadable utility, you can get instant results with our breakthrough online file repair. With no software to download and install it's easier and faster than ever.
Repair your corrupt files by uploading them to our cloud-based platform. After upload, processing typically takes from a few seconds to a minute, after which the user is offered free and paid options for downloading the results of the recovery.
Dozens of file formats are supported, including Microsoft Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, Access databases, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, PNG and RAW images.
Product Documents
This tool is specifically designed for Adobe PDF files and will not repair other file types. Please browse through our other software products if you need to recover a different format.
Yes, we offer a free demo version to help you evaluate the features of this product. In the demo version, the output will not provide a usable version of the target document. The full version does not have this limitation. By using the demo version, you can determine whether your documents are recoverable before you purchase a license.
The different licenses provide options for businesses and add functionality for power users. However, all non-demo versions of SecureRecovery for PDF will allow users to recover individual corrupted PDFs.
For more information or to read about different licenses, visit our Licensing page.
This is completely normal and does not indicate a problem with the recovery in most cases. The recovery process bypasses severe damage and corruption, replacing bad areas of a targeted file with blank space and reducing the overall size of the file.
If you are using the demo version of SecureRecovery for PDF, the output may be smaller because of the placeholders that the software creates.
Our data repair experts can solve the most difficult data corruption situations. Corrupted files are taken apart bit by bit, and recoverable data is reconstructed into a new file.
To learn more please submit this form and one of our technicians will contact you to go over the process.