Take advantage of our risk-free "try before you buy" options. When you're satisfied with the repaired results, you can proceed to purchase.
Losing your Publisher documents to file corruption can be expensive and stressful. In these situations, you need a file recovery utility you can trust. SecureRecovery® for Publisher carefully scans your corrupted files, salvaging all usable data from it. It then collates all the recovered data into an RTF file, readable by Publisher, Word, and other word processing applications.
Don’t let file corruption derail your publication schedule. SecureRecovery® for Publisher repairs and recovers damaged files, while preserving document formatting. It offers dependable results, a user-friendly interface, and support for restoring most Publisher file elements. With this dedicated utility, it has never been easier for home users and businesses to restore documents on their own systems.
If you’re unsure about committing to purchasing the full version of SecureRecovery® for Publisher, look no further than our free demo. The free demo provides you with an accurate preview of the recovered Publisher document, giving you a means to evaluate the extent of its corruption. While most of your document will be displayed as demo text, the demo will fully restore a limited sample of your data. Note that any data displayed as demo text will be recoverable when you purchase the full version.
SecureRecovery® for Publisher is the most robust consumer file recovery utility available on the market today. However, as with other such widely available products, it comes with one major limitation. While it can restore all data contained in the source file, it’s unable to restore header/footer content due to application-level complexities.
As a Microsoft Publisher user, you know the amount of work that goes into a completed document. Without sufficient backups, file corruption can cause all that work to evaporate in an instant.
SecureRecovery® for Publisher is your go-to tool to reverse that damage, restore your data, and minimize disruptions to your workflows and publication schedules—all without having to send your hardware to specialized recovery facilities. If you’re faced with corrupted Publisher files, order your copy of SecureRecovery® for Publisher today.
Standard License - Intended for small businesses and/or individuals.
Standard license limitations:
Business License - Intended for small or medium businesses.
This software is compatible with systems that meet these requirements:
We are not liable for any incorrect images or descriptions displayed on this website. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, there can sometimes be discrepancies or errors in the content. We make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability with respect to the content. SecureData is not affiliated with Microsoft©, Adobe®, Oracle©, IBM. All copyrights, trademarks, and intellectual property rights mentioned belong to their respective owners.
Trusted by 3,000+ happy Customers & Organizations.
As an alternative to downloadable utility, you can get instant results with our breakthrough online file repair. With no software to download and install it's easier and faster than ever.
Repair your corrupt files by uploading them to our cloud-based platform. After upload, processing typically takes from a few seconds to a minute, after which the user is offered free and paid options for downloading the results of the recovery.
Dozens of file formats are supported, including Microsoft Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, Access databases, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, PNG and RAW images.
Product Documents
While SecureRecovery for Publisher is a safe and powerful way to restore damaged RTF files, many factors will influence the chances of recovery in a specific case.
We provide a free-to-download demo of the application to help you make the best possible decision. Use the demo prior to purchasing the full software license, but before carrying out any recovery attempt, make sure to back up your publications.
The demo version is almost exactly the same as commercial versions of SecureRecovery for Publisher, and it is just as safe and secure.
It is significantly limited, as it will only restore a certain amount of real data. Placeholders will replace much of the original text in the Publisher file. This allows you to see whether your documents can be restored (along with their original formatting and other elements that appear in the output generated by the demo recovery).
While performing repairs, SecureRecovery for Publisher may find permanently damaged or inaccessible data, which will be replaced in the output files. This is completely normal and is not indicative of a recovery failure. File sizes can also decrease if certain unsupported features cannot be reproduced in the recovered file (run the demo version to make sure that SecureRecovery for Publisher will be able to treat your publication file successfully).
The demo version also creates smaller files for a separate reason -- the placeholder text is often shorter than the original text.
First, make sure that you have an output directory for the recovered RTF files. If the targeted directory does not exist, create it before proceeding any further.
In batch files and in the command line, use [pbr.exe “”] to access the program, leaving off the brackets. You can also use patterns to make your batch file process the recovery project in a logical way. Use an asterisk to represent multiple characters in a group. Use a question mark to represent individual characters in a group.
Our data repair experts can solve the most difficult data corruption situations. Corrupted files are taken apart bit by bit, and recoverable data is reconstructed into a new file.
To learn more please submit this form and one of our technicians will contact you to go over the process.